Thursday, 11 February 2010
Tug-of-war...Public Relations should be given respect as a profession
I made a personal choice when I decided to pursue a master’s degree to study public relations over marketing, and although a vast majority don’t see the difference, I know the difference and every other person who is passionate about this field knows the difference.
I must say that even though I chose public relations over marketing, that does not mean that I don’t respect marketing as a separate profession, it simply means that I am more inclined to practice public relations.
However, of all the marketing professionals that I have met, only about two respect public relations as a profession in itself. They always seem quick to point out that it is “controversially” a tiny subset of marketing that really doesn’t deserve any real status.
Honestly, I am getting tired of hearing: “Is that just like marketing”, when I tell people what I am studying. And unfortunately, this is the general consensus on public relations.
Nevertheless, this has not prevented the growth and expansion of public relations practice: with thousands of established public relations agencies and practitioners existing in the UK alone.
But why is public relations seen in this way? Is the practice of public relations fully understood?
Does the public know how many of the stories in the newspaper are taken from well-written press releases issued from public relations officers? Do they know how many times their way of thinking has been influenced by the hard work of a public relations practitioner? It is an indefinable number, so let's follow a campaign that we all know.
Think about the concept of recycling and its recent history. Vast amounts of people now recycle and the overall importance of recycling or being eco-friendly is well-known, but how do you think those ideas were made reality? A well-prepared public relations campaign that stretched over a number of years!
Someone had an idea, and through good communications management, those ideas were filtered to the press, posters were made, flyers were distributed, press releases written, announcements were made... and the list goes on!
However, the general public is unaware of the behind-the scenes activity needed to distribute this information. They simply receive the message. All of that is PR!
There are so many public relations practitioners out there who genuinely get excited and are passionate about their work, and I have been privileged to come into contact with a few of them, and this has sparked not only an interest but an eagerness to fully immerse myself in the field.
I am personally excited about the field of public relations, and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a challenging and exciting career choice.
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McCann Unravels. "Los MCcánn nó són víctimas són verdúgos"
Gerry MCcann es pederásta y no le ímporta que sea niño o niña lo que les interesan a los pederastas es su infáncia. LA JUSTICIA CUMPLE SE REHABRE EL CASO . SOS: EL RESCATE, DE MADELEINE (MCCANN) LA NIÑA “INGLESA” RAPTADA EN (PORTUGAL)
Madeleine MCcann el gobierno portugues y ministro de justicia mas fiscal y el juez toman una alternativa para los "Mccann" no hay cadaver no hay juicio.El juicio de "Marta Del Castillo" no hay cadaver pero se hace justicia......................
Madeleine MCcann En la primera anestesia la niña se despertó cuando se encontró al padre abusando de ella fue golpeada salvajemente por el propio padre al darse cuenta que no era bien recibido y volvió a ser anestesiada de hay la sangre de la niña de los golpes recibidos recordando en todo momento que estaba bajo los efectos del alcohol de hay el ataque cardíaco. Cadena perpetua para Un Pederasta y pedofilo Fueron los padres los asesinos mas torturaban a la niña. Los McCann y sus siete amigos cenaban cada noche durante sus vacaciones en Portugal, incluida aquélla en la que desapareció Madeleine, aseguraron que éstos bebían entre 10 y 12 botellas de vino, a las que precedían cervezas y cócteles durante el aperitivo mas lo que tomaban durante las comidas . kate y Gerri de profesión médicos anestesiaban a Madeleine puesto que lloraba 18 horas al día con mucha regularidad porque tenían en casa a su maltratador era ese el motivo de su llanto y se combirtio en un suplicio o martirio para el matrimonio causa del asesinato premeditado en primer grado aquí no podía haber ningún accidente por exceso de anestesia puesto que los dos son médicos .Estos asesinaron a su hija con premeditación .Los Mccann tenían deudas de tres mensualidades de su hipoteca de tres mil euros mensuales y las cuentas al rojo y se tomaron unas vacaciones veraniegas mas 40 días sin pagar nada por sentirse el director del hotel responsable de la desaparición de Madeleine total unas vacaciones a lo grande y todo a costas del asesinato premeditado en primer grado. No hay ningún retrato robot que valga basta, basta, de tanta comedia la falsa del retrato robot inventado por Remenber de Rokley portavoz del gobierno Británico y periodista que costo un millón y medio de Euros que tubieron que pagarles los Mccann por limpiar el nombre..Cuando se descubra la verdad se recuperara el turismo y la alegria de algarve recuperacion de empleos y la normalidad con el mundo.Está la reputación de portugal en jaque. "El último gríto de Madeléine MCcánn"
En vez de mistério tuvo más de círco y todo para tapar un asesinato que un niño no lo pasaria
desapercibido, lo demás de rísa por no llorár... Quisiéron hacérles al múndo un labádo de cerébro con retratos robot y comedias con el porta voz al frente.
Caso Madeleine McCann - Operación Task...
Es una manipulacion de ciertos jornaleros implicados con los MCcanes y remenber para segir estafando y sacando fondos Estamostodosaqui...Estamos hante una Máfia Órganizada ...
Advertencia cuidado con el monopolio capitalista es el que está haciendo que no salga a lúz este articulo por no salir de un juzgado o de un medio de comunicación y el monopolio. MCCANNES Y OPERACIÓN TASK no les interesan que salga a lúz porque se les terminarían la ganga silencio es el dilema de todo un monopolio llenos de mentiras aqui se está encubriendo la verdad...
Que sepán tanto gobiernos como jueces y medios de comunicacion que estan colaborando a crear un atentado contra la democracia y una conspiración hacia los derecho de la opinión y publicación una forma mas de hacer terrorismo tema de los MCannes es una burla hacia el múndo.Hasta que les vengan la sensatez a los medios de comunicación seguire ocupando su lugar. Esto es muy delicado para tenerlo en silencio los medios de comunicación tanto tiempo
well, unfortunatly PR suffers from a history of negative portrayl. Hence the CIPR attempting to license and 'professionalise' the practice. The media inparticular the press, in particular Nick Davis make matter worse by blaming contemporary problems of journalism onto PR. The profession itself, does 'borrow' skills from other professions. But this is the case with other professions such as doctors and GP or lawyer and barristers. However, these are stil acknowledged as professions in there own right. So why must PR be continued to be stigmatised by professions that have their own agenda such as journalism.
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of crossovers with PR and its practices. Marketing, Events Management, Press Officers, Lobbyists, to name a few. But, PR is all of that and more.
ReplyDeleteI think what people do not realise is that Public Relations is set up to protect the reputation of the company and communicate with the masses in order to develop brand recognition. There are no sales targets.
We monitor what is being said, and if it is anything that might hinder the good reputation, then we have the skills to rectify it.
There are no doubt clashes with Marketing and PR practices, but if we look at the objectives of each profession, there is a definite difference in profession.
Training is crucial for communication practices to be carried out appropriately. I hope that students like yourself and I, are recognised for our efforts, commitment and passion to learn about this profession.
It also really annoys me too Gemma, that marketing professional's seem to look down on PR as a profession and seem to see it as inferior to marketing. It is a shame that PR is seen only as a sub-section of the marketing mix and is barely given recognition. Do they not know what PR is, and what it does? Public relations and marketing are two completely different professions and should be recognised as that. I guess, in the profession in which we have chosen to be a part of, we are going to have to deal with all sorts of prejudices, from different professions and from the public, and as public relations professional's we should try to make it our job to change that negative image that so many people hold of public relations.